Switchboard Upgrades

Switchboard Upgrades

– Installation of safety switches
– Replacement of old asbestos switchboards
– Electrical defect notice
– Replacement of old ceramic fuses
– Addition of new cabling and extra final sub circuits that require more space.

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UGOH Connections

Overhead to underground service. This is an underground service from the customers main switchboard to the council pole, connection supply point.

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New Construction of Residential or Commercial Property

New Construction of Residential or Commercial Property

We can provide a single or three phase aerial or underground service including the installation of a suitable support bracket for overhead services and an underground connection pillar.

We take care of the application for connection with the network owner and retailer of your choice.
Leave the hard work up to us, we are here to make your experience of building a new home trouble free.

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Disconnection and Reconnection

Disconnection and Reconnection

This service would be required if a gutter roof or fascia is being repaired or for a switchboard upgrade, where the Electrical contractor requires the isolation and reconnection of power.

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Metering Services

Metering Services

Whether a simple switchboard upgrade, installation of solar or a change in tariff we are here to help.

We can supply and install metering for the majority of retailers. Including AGL, ENERGY AUSTRALIA, RED ENERGY AND ALINTA ENERGY.

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Temporary Builders Service

Temporary Builders Service

During the construction of a new property or alteration to an existing property, you may require this service.
As part of this service, we offer the following:
– Private Pole
– Temporary switchboard: mounted on the private pole to provide power during the construction stage pending our installation of the final retail meter.

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Electrical Defect Notices

Electrical Defect Notices

This is a notice given to the customer by the network owner, Ausgrid or Endeavour Energy
which requires the owner to rectify the specified defect within 21 days. Failure to do so means the network owner has the authority to disconnect power to the property.
The Defect can only be rectified by a level 2 ASP.

We are only a phone call away, not only will we repair the defect but also deal with the respective network owner to have this defect notice rescinded

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